“I need to do it by the end of the day (or, as has happened for the most part so far, shortly past midnight!)” I relate to that SO MUCH!!

I don’t think using the people following the project as a way to keep you accountable is being motivated by social media likes’ - it’s more being motivated by human connection. I was steadiest at going to the gym when I was going with a friend, because I never wanted to let her down. That’s very effective.

And I adore your hand lettered headings, though I understand they can pose challenges to digital readability.

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It definitely makes a difference to know someone is looking forward to seeing something. And I totally get the going to the gym (etc) with a friend thing.

Yeah, I'd like a way for the headings to work in both ways more. They *should* work with screen readers because of the alt text, but it's not just screen readers, there are lots of other accessibility reasons for them being problematic. I've been used to using colour to code things for so long in the publishing world, but we now have to look much more closely and make sure design decisions like that are purely complementing the text and structure and not the only way to indicate something. It's so good that we are thinking about these things and trying to make everything more accessible to everyone, but I am finding it harder to work out how illustration and colour and so on do fit within that.

None of the decorativeness of my headings are coding any meaning, but the inability to turn them into the right font/make them larger/smaller/add your own background colouring, do make them less usable to some people. So, yeah. Dunno what the answer is!

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Wonder if it would be to weird to have both? Like the hand lettered heading as an image and the words as the image caption?

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Hmm... maybe. I'll give it a go.

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