
Your trips sound wonderful. I would love to make my own little creative retreat, instead of working, one day. Actually dedicating the tike I would to working to sketching and creative exploration and inspiration gathering.

I think there's definitely an 'I can do it now' thing once the kids are older. For me there's also the knowledge that I completely and utterly am not prepared to wait for retirement to do this kind of thing. Both because that gets further and further away (it will be 67 for my age group, I think), and because, while fully intend to live and draw untilv I am 100, I am aware that both my parents and half my grandparents died quite young and before, or only just after official retirement age. My mum at least managed to squeeze in three amazing solo trips (India, Mexico and Cuba, Jamaica), but she had at least three more she had been planning to take. So I'm not about to pass up the opportunities. I would rather live the life I yearn for now, at least to the extent I can.

I am airbnbing it. I usually prefer to have cooking facilities, because not everywhere is good for veggies, and also eating out is expensive. I should definitely look into house and pet sitting though. That way Incould go even more! A friend of my sister's does that quite regularly and it works really well for her.

Enjoy your Malagan mountain residency. I love Malaga.

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Hi Tasha,

I and many others feel very similar. Is it an age thing that comes with our new freedoms form maternal repsonsibilities, this endless desire to travel ( even with work)?

Creds for getting all the train passes at such short notice and on bagging Antibes. Hotel or housesitting? I made a DIY residency to do a piece of work and am housesitting in the mountains above Malaga later this month. And in Jan I housesat for a friend to complete the Good Ship Business Course. Getting away from distracting household tasks is another great part of the lure, as the attraction of the sun and strange new towns. Todays digital nomad issue is getting a prepaid SIM & wifi signal good enough to work with. What do you do? I have a pocket myfi ( TP Link) but not sure if that's outdated. What do you use?

Enjoy the South of France- how could you not?


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